Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Signs That You Are Breast Milk Feeding Correctly

A baby is a mother’s ultimate source of joy and happiness. And this happiness doubles when you start bonding with your little one – by offering him your love, care and affection. As a newbie mom, you’re sure to be concerned whether your baby is getting enough milk or not. Don’t worry, your baby will ensure that he has his heart’s fill or will convey his dissatisfaction very strongly to you. If you’re still in doubt, the below mentioned signs of successful breast milk feeding will abate your concerns.

Your infant grows with health:

One of the best signs of successful breastfeeding is a happy baby who also seems to gain appropriate weight. This is a sure indication of your baby receiving ample amount of milk to fill is stomach full. Don’t be upset if he loses weight soon after his birth. It’s a normal phenomenon. He will quickly gain his weight in the coming weeks.

Your breasts are different, but don’t fret:

Stop obsession on the fact that breastfeeding is painful. When your little one latches on for feeding, it’s possible that you feel a little tugging sensation but that can’t be classified as pain. Also, of you feel “full” before your baby’s meal – you surely are doing great.

Breast Milk Feeding

He has no Problem Swallowing

When you breastfeed milk, try and listen to his swallowing sound. As normal as they may feel, they are majestic and sure to leave you with that sweet smile of contentment. If your baby is quiet and peaceful while breast milk feeding, he surely is enjoying himself!

Your baby feeds quiet Often:

Expect your newborn to feed as frequently as eight to twelve times in a day. Be prepared to feeding him every now and then and for longer time periods in the initial days. Wondering whether you will have enough milk? You surely will! As he grows older, the feeding is probably going to get more consistent and also the durations will reduce.

Your gut assures everything’s well

No one knows your infant better than you do. If your gut says that your little one if healthy and content, he surely is exactly how you feel. However, if any one of the above signals don’t seem to be quiet right and your baby is fussy or lethargic, it’s best to consult a doctor.

Breast milk feeling is an overwhelming experience for every mother. Just remember, your intuition is really one of the best tips to successful breastfeeding, be on your guard in case your feel pain or are apprehensive about whether you’re correctly feeding your baby. Your gynaecologist and baby’s paediatrician can help you sail through the sea easily and safely. 

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